
My blog is a place where I write about various topics including programming, aviation, mathematics and other subjects that interest me. My goal is to write a post at least once every two weeks, although that depends on how busy I get.

Latest posts

Choosing the right element – accessible web design

Accessible design means creating software that can be used easily by all users. This entails making sure that any user can easily interact with an application, sometimes with the support of assistive technology like screen readers. Focusing on accessibility is important because people who are affected by blindness and other disabilities will be able to interact with the application in a meaningful way.

Hello, World!

This is my first post! For the new blog redesign anyway. I decided to remake my blog because I wanted my site to be unique to me. My design goals were to make it minimal and clean, as it’s a blog, and blogs should strive to emphasize the content. It’s still built using Jekyll, and hosted on GitHub pages. However, now I have a custom theme. I’ve written all the layouts and stylesheets from scratch.